
When a reckless driver in Clinton causes an accident that leaves you with devastating injuries, expensive car repairs, or even the death of a loved one, you can take legal action to recover your financial losses. While this cannot bring back your loved one or immediately heal your injuries, pursuing compensation may help you get your life back on track.

If you have questions on how to recover the compensation you deserve,OEB Law, PLLC, can help. Call us at 865-546-1111 to schedule a free, no-obligation legal consultation with a car accident lawyer in Clinton. Our firm has helped car accident victims throughout Tennessee recover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages from their car wrecks.

Can I Recover Compensation on My Own?

If you were in an accident that involved minor property damage and no serious physical injuries, you can usually handle the incident with the at-fault driver and their auto insurer. However, trying to recoup significant financial losses from accidents involving serious injuries or death presents a challenge. Insurance companies often do not want to pay out hefty settlements. Instead, an insurer may offer a low settlement or deny a claim.

These types of cases require legal experts who know how to overcome these challenges. At OEB Law, PLLC, our lawyers have decades of combined experience handling insurance claims and negotiating with insurers. We work hard to get full and fair compensation for our clients.

Will I Have to Go to Court?

We recommend filing an insurance claim first with the at-fault driver’s auto insurance company before you consider filing a personal injury lawsuit. We understand that some claimants prefer to avoid a court case because of the time it takes to prepare for trial and the legal costs involved. We go to court as a last resort if the auto insurer refuses to negotiate a fair settlement for our clients. Additionally, we only file a lawsuit if our clients agree.

Our attorneys work on a contingency basis. This means that you only pay us if we recover compensation on your behalf.

How Do I File an Insurance Claim?

We will help you file your claim and establish liability for the accident. We know what it takes to hold the at-fault party liable for your car accident. We have the resources necessary to conduct a thorough investigation of your case, collect evidence, and build a strong claim.

How Does a Lawyer Investigate a Case?

To recover compensation, our case must prove negligence and causation. We may do this by securing evidence that includes:

  • A police report that may identify the at-fault party;
  • Your medical report that details the nature and severity of your injuries;
  • Video surveillance footage that shows your accident;
  • Photographs of the accident scene; and
  • Eyewitness testimony.

Depending on the circumstances of the accident, we may also explore the at-fault driver’s driving record. For instance, if a drunk driver slammed into your car, we would review their driving record to check for previous drunk driving instances or other traffic-related convictions. We would present this and other evidence to the driver’s insurance company along with your insurance claim.

How Can I Recover Compensation From an Uninsured Driver?

If an uninsured motorist hit you, you still have options to recover compensation. If you purchased Uninsured Motorist (UM) coverage, you can file a claim with your own insurance company. UM coverage protects you when the at-fault driver causes an accident but does not have insurance. UM policies also protect you in hit-and-run accidents. Similarly, Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage protects you when an at-fault driver does not have enough auto insurance to cover your losses.

What Is My Claim Worth?

To understand how much your claim is worth, we will first help you determine the amount of damages you sustained from the accident. Your damages can include your:

If a loved one died because of the crash, we can explore a wrongful death claim to recover compensation for funeral and burial costs, medical bills incurred from treating your loved one’s injury, loss of your loved one’s income, and other damages.

How Soon Should I File an Insurance Claim?

According to Tennessee’s statute of limitations, you have one year from the date of your car accident to claim injury and file a lawsuit. We do not recommend filing a claim too quickly because some accident injuries have delayed symptoms. Once you accept a check from an insurance company, you cannot return and ask for more money if new symptoms appear.

It is also important not to wait too long to take action. It takes time for us to investigate your car accident. If a year elapses before you take action against the at-fault driver, you may not be able to recover the compensation you need. We will work hard on your behalf to handle all of the legal paperwork within the deadline so you can spend your time recovering from your injuries.

Let OEB Law, PLLC, Help You.

Call OEB Law, PLLC, today at 865-546-1111 to schedule a complimentary legal consultation with a car crash lawyer in Clinton. We will discuss the circumstances of your car accident, your injuries, your financial losses, and more.

If you have a viable case, we can begin our investigation of your accident and move forward to help you pursue the compensation that you deserve.

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